Greetings UGC NET Aspirants! 😊
When it comes to a vast subject like economics midnight doubts or confusion can come along very easily which can lead to tangled state of mind for all the students. It is inevitable to have doubts but it is even easier to solve them when you have live sessions and a panel of tutors just a button away. Get a chance to study for UGC Net whenever and wherever you want.
Advance Ugc net coachign institute is providng online ugc net coaching on Ugcnet ECONOMICS , we are providing live face to face intraction classses on virtual class room software.
Question paper Ist and IInd Pattern
Paper Ist contains 50 questions 2 marks each and Paper II contains 100 questions 2 marks each.
All questions are objective type questions (MCQs, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning).
All questions are compulsory. No negative marking.
Given below is a list of some important selected topics for UGC NET Economics subject which help candidates in covering syllabus of Paper I and Paper II.
Important Topics for Economics Paper II
- Micro – Economic Analysis
- Demand Analysis – Marshallian, Hicksian and Revealed preference approaches.
- Theory of Production and Costs.
- Pricing and output under different forms of market structure.
- Factor Pricing analysis.
- Elements of general equilibrium and new welfare economics.
- Macro – Economic Analysis– Economic Analysis
- Development and Planning
- Public Finance
- International Economics
- Indian Economy
- Statistical Methods These are some important topics for UGC NET Economics subject Paper III. Candidates need to focus on these topics for better results. Let us now highlight some important reading material and topic source for Advance UGC NET Economics Paper I and Paper II.