Online ADVANCE UGC-NET MANAGEMENT in Delhi and kolkata

Greetings UGC NET Aspirants! 😊
It is not about just learning about the subject but to get into its skin is what will help you crack UGC Net management exam and lead you to have a prestigious career. Efficiency is the key which will help all the students understand the concepts for life and our live classes and experts of the field will ensure you that.
Advance Ugc net coachign institute is providng online ugc net coaching on Ugcnet MANAGEMENT , we are providing live face to face intraction classses on virtual class room software.
Question paper Ist and IInd Pattern
Paper Ist contains 50 questions 2 marks each and Paper IInd contains 100 questions 2 marks each. All questions are objective type questions (MCQs, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning).
All questions are compulsory.
No negative marking.
Time Duration of exam:
paper I : 60 Minutes ; paper IInd : 120 Minutes ;Given below is a list of some important selected topics for UGC NET Management subject which help candidates in covering syllabus of Paper II ..
Important Topics for Economics Paper II
- Demand Theory
- Monetary Economics
- Public Finance
- International Trade
- Agriculture
- Industry
- Production Function
- Market Forms and Equilibrium
- National Income
- Growth and Development
- International Financial Institutions
- Statistics