ADVANCE UGC-NET Geography in Delhi and kolkata

Greetings UGC NET Aspirants! 😊
Geography is a study of Environment, Nature & Society with information of the physical features of the earth, distribution of populations and resources and political and economic activities..
If you wish to pursue a promising career in Geography then, UGC NET is what you should opt for after pursuing PG which can helpyou to become a lecturer, researcher, a senior employee of a highly reputed government or private organization.
Rest we are there to help you crack the exam with the help of our comprehensive study material and guidance.
Question paper Ist and IInd Pattern
Paper I contains 50 questions 2 marks total 100 Marks . All questions are objective type questions (MCQs, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning). All questions are compulsory. No negative marking. Paper IInd contains 100 questions 2 marks total 200 Marks . All questions are objective type questions (MCQs, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning). All questions are compulsory. No negative marking.Time Duration of exam:
paper I : 60 Minutes ; paper IInd : 120 Minutes ;The UGC NET Geography Syllabus is mentioned in detail in the following table. The candidates check out the table thoroughly to understand the depth and breadth of the UGC NET Geography Syllabus in its entirety.
UGC NET Geography Syllabus | |
Unit | Syllabus |
UNIT I : Geomorphology | Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics, Endogenetic and Exogenetic forces. Denudation and Weathering, Geomorphic Cycle (Davis and Penck). |
UNIT II : Climatology | Composition and Structure of Atmosphere; Insolation, Heat Budget of Earth, Temperature, Pressure and Winds, Atmospheric Circulation (air-masses, fronts and upper air circulation, cyclones and anticyclones (tropical and temperate). |
UNIT III : Oceanography | Relief of Oceans, Composition: Temperature, Density and Salinity, Circulation: Warm and Cold Currents, Waves, Tides, Sea Level Changes, Hazards: Tsunami and Cyclone |
UNIT IV : Geography of Environment |
UNIT V: Population and Settlement Geography |
Unit VI: Geography of Economic Activities and Regional Development |
Unit – VII: Cultural, Social and Political Geography |
Unit VIII: Geographic Thought | Contributions of Greek, Roman, Arab, Chinese and Indian Scholars, Contributions of Geographers (Bernhardus Varenius, Immanuel Kant, Alexander von Humboldt, Carl Ritter, Schaefer & Hartshorne), Impact of Darwinian Theory on Geographical Thought. |
Unit IX: Geographical Techniques | Sources of Geographic Information and Data (spatial and non-spatial), Types of Maps, Techniques of Map Making (Choropleth, Isarithmic, Dasymetric, Chorochromatic, Flow Maps) Data Representation on Maps (Pie diagrams, Bar diagrams and Line Graph, GIS Database (raster and vector data formats and attribute data formats). |
Unit X: Geography of India | Major Physiographic Regions and their Characteristics; Drainage System (Himalayan and Peninsular), Climate: Seasonal Weather Characteristics, Climatic Divisions, Indian Monsoon (mechanism and characteristics), Jet Streams and Himalayan Cryosphere, Types and Distribution of Natural Resources: Soil, Vegetation, Water, Mineral and Marine Resources. |