ADVANCE UGC-NET Human Resource Management in kolkata and Delhi

Greetings UGC NET Aspirants! 😊
In any organization Human Resource Management plays an important role in its growth and to be good HR professional you must brush up on your communication, judgment, negotiation, and multitasking skills.
After your post-graduation degree in HRM you can appear for UGC NET Exam which can be a great option for you which can lead you to get a job of Lectureship and JRF in Human Resource Management. .
Once you qualify this exam, you are entitled for various scholarships & awards provided by UGC which can give financial support to your career.
Question paper Ist and IInd Pattern
Paper I contains 50 questions 2 marks total 100 Marks . All questions are objective type questions (MCQs, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning). All questions are compulsory. No negative marking. Paper IInd contains 100 questions 2 marks total 200 Marks . All questions are objective type questions (MCQs, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning). All questions are compulsory. No negative marking.Time Duration of exam:
paper I : 60 Minutes ; paper IInd : 120 Minutes ;Important Topics for HRM Paper II
- School of Management
- Personnel Management
- HRD Concepts
- Organisational Behaviour
- Industrial Relation
- Trade Union
- Trade Union
- Labour Legislation
- Trade Union Act
- Labour Welfare
- Labour Market
- School of Management