PGT/TGT Training Course

Greetings PGT/TGT Aspirants!DSSSB (Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board) is an organization set up to recruit highly skilled, competent and capable persons. This is done by conducting professional test, written tests and personal interviews. The aim is to fill up various positions in Delhi government and administration. Advance UGC-NET Coaching Instituteprovides coachingand guidance that will guide them better for the exam preparation.
Advance UGC-NET Coaching Institute is the bridging gap between the knowledge seekers and the knowledge offerers. All aspirants preparing for PGT/TGT can land their search engines for all the required content, notifications and tips.

PGT/TGT Eligibility
Educational Qualification:
Candidates should have M. Sc or equivalent degree/Integrated BS-MS/BS-4 years/BE/B Tech/B Pharmacy/MBBS with at least 55% marks for general and OBC-Non Creamy layer candidates (Central list only as provided in National Commission for Backward Classes website) and 50% for SC/ST, Persons with disability (PWD) candidates.
As per the Age Limits : PGT Post Up to 36 years TGT Post : Up to 32 years
** A candidate's graduation and post-graduation subject should be similar and they can appear in PGT/TGT for the same subject only.
Classroom Programme-Regular Basis Regular classroom programme is conducting classes six daysin a week and class duration is four Hours and one hour for doubt session. The benefits of regular classes are that all the subjects are taught from basic level to advanced level. There is due emphasis on solving objective and conceptual questions in the classes. Classroom Programme-Weekend (Saturday and Sunday) Weekend classroom programme is conducting classes Two days in a week and class duration is six Hours and one hours for doubt session. The benefits of weekendclasses are that they are most suitable for working professionals . Candidate can revise the syllabus in week days to qualify the UGC-NET/JRF Exam .

PGT/TGT Coaching and Study Material - Choose the best ones!
It is every candidates' dream to qualify the exam with good score. But as per the difficulty level of DSSSB Exam, it is quite a tough task for candidates to achieve the desired score.
If self-study is your choice to crack this biggie then, accompanying a truly beneficial guide like the option of taking Online Coaching and preparing through content rich study material (crafted by Subject Matter Experts (SME's)), would be an ideal choice for you.
Advance UGC NET Coaching Institute is provides you a complete course PGT/TGT Exam and helps you in getting good score as well.
With the wide range of customized PGT/TGT e-learning packages available at Advance UGC NET Coaching Institute , you can boost up your preparation and knowledge regarding the exam.
Here at Advance UGC NET Coaching Institute, you can also take advantage of free study stuff to refine your knowledge and practice purposes.

Check out the Latest Notifications on UGC NET Exam 2018
When any aspirant is preparing for a competitive exam, what keeps striking to his mind is the release of the next notifications related to exam. Be it the Online Application Details, Last Date for filling the forms, any extensions in the End Dates, Admit Card Details, Exam Centers Details, Examination Schedule details, Exam results and so on and so forth.
Advance ugc-net coaching understands a student's needs and tries to map them out effectively by putting things under one roof. From learning content to mock test series you get everything about DSSSB Exam.

DSSSB 2018 Exam Pattern
DSSSB 2018 Exam will be conduct in two levels: Tier-I and Tier-II. The exam pattern for both these level of examination is different. DSSSB Tier-I Exam Tier-I is an online exam with multiple choice questions comprising of 200 marks & two sections- A & B. Sections such as General Awareness, General Intelligence and Reasoning, Numerical Ability, English and Hindi Language Test are asked in Section A of Tier-I DSSSB Exam and will constitute of 100 marks. Sections Asked Maximum Marks Time Allotted General Awareness 20 2 hours Reasoning 20 Numerical Ability 20 English Language Test 20 Hindi Language Test 20 Section B of DSSSB Tier-I Exam consists of MCQs on Post-Graduation qualification and teaching methodology required for the post. This section will constitute of 100 Marks and will be compulsory for all the candidates appearing for the post of TGT, PGT and other teaching posts offered through DSSSB 2017. DSSSB Tier-II Exam Tier-II exam has a 200 marks Multiple Choice Question based test. An additional descriptive test of 75 marks is asked in the Tier-II Exam of DSSSB. A descriptive essay writing of 50 marks and a descriptive letter writing of 25 marks is asked in the descriptive test of DSSSB online Exam.
Postal Study Course
Many working students wish to qualify the exam for advancement of their career, but cannot spare time to attend the regular classroom courses. These working students can always avail our correspondence programme. This programme basically provides them the study material which is prepared topic wise, along with many question papers. The correspondence material is absolutely self-explanatory and will compensate for the absence of classroom coaching. The material covers 80 to 90% syllabus and is more than sufficient for qualifying the exam.
DSSB Exam Preparation Tips - Must Read!
Every person is born with unique potential. Everyone has a different learning style and different memorizing capability. Some are brilliant and really work hard to get success, some are average who manage to get good score whereas some study hard but still fail to achieve good grades.
The students preparing for UGC NET are required to study really hard as the difficulty level of this exam is very high. To churn out the best of talent it requires a comprehensively designed testing process.

Upgrade your DSSB knowledge with YouTube and Facebook - Join us now!
What if you can merge up your learning habits with social media? It would definitely be an interesting and fun task to learn through social media sites like - Facebook and YouTube.
advance UGC-NET provides latest and interesting updates regarding UGC NET Exam over these platforms to benefit aspirants in fulfilling their preparation goals.
To stay updated with every latest information related to your dream career, you can join advance UGC NET Coaching Institue Facebook and YouTube channels.