ADVANCE Online UGC-NET Human Resource Management in kolkata and Delhi

Greetings UGC NET Aspirants! 😊
Advance Ugc net coachign institute is providng online ugc net coaching on Ugcnet Human Resource Management , we are providing live face to face intraction classses on virtual class room software.
Question paper Ist and IInd Pattern
Paper I contains 50 questions 2 marks total 100 Marks . All questions are objective type questions (MCQs, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning). All questions are compulsory. No negative marking. Paper IInd contains 100 questions 2 marks total 200 Marks . All questions are objective type questions (MCQs, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning). All questions are compulsory. No negative marking.Time Duration of exam:
paper I : 60 Minutes ; paper IInd : 120 Minutes ;Important Topics for HRM Paper II
- School of Management
- Personnel Management
- HRD Concepts
- Organisational Behaviour
- Industrial Relation
- Trade Union
- Trade Union
- Labour Legislation
- Trade Union Act
- Labour Welfare
- Labour Market
- School of Management